
Sustainable Growth

Elevate the importance of sustainable business practices and growth in support of building a green economy.

We have come a long way with elevating the importance of sustainable growth within the DuPage business community but still have quite a distance to go. DuPage businesses are receptive to implementing sustainable practices, realizing the importance to the economic well-being of their company, workforce, and relationships with their suppliers. However, many businesses, especially small businesses, are overwhelmed with the process, are short-staffed and/or unaware of the resources available to them.

It is imperative that Choose DuPage continues to educate the business community on the resources available through the “Business Toolkit” and programs that connect businesses to the resources. Choose DuPage has received a grant from DuPage County to help small business conduct a “green assessment”. This program is free for any DuPage business, but it has been hard to “sell” the program because of all factors listed above.

As the topic of sustainability broadens to other areas that have an impact on economic development and our businesses, we also want to create a set of action items that are fluid and adaptable to the topic.

Key Activities:

  • Continue to identify and promote sustainable practices within the business community; green building techniques and encourage investment in renewable energy resources.
    • Promote lower impact building & operations to minimize waste, incorporate energy efficiency, renewable energy, native landscaping, reduce water consumption, etc.
    • Ensuring businesses have access to competitively priced renewable energy.
    • Helping businesses engage in transportation sustainability practices, integrating sustainable transportation for fleets and workforce.
  • Educate DuPage businesses on sustainability programs and resources available, including the Choose DuPage Green Assessment for Businesses, CPACE, DuPage Sustainability Toolkit, the Green Biz Tracker, ComEd Solar Energy Calculator.
  • Collaborate with workNet DuPage, educational institutions, and other key stakeholders on specific training and skill development programs in support of a renewable energy workforce and green jobs.