Resources & Opportunities for Private Industry
Our region has the highest concentration of top-tier research facilities in the world. DuPage is home to two of the 17 U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories – Argonne and Fermilab – where scientists are researching batteries, semiconductors, quantum computing and AI, and more.
Through collaborations both here and around the world, these laboratories answer some of the biggest questions facing humanity today. Along with other organizations and institutions in DuPage, our national labs provide valuable opportunities for advancement in both the public- and private-sector.
Organizations tap into Argonne’s unique expertise, facilities, and tools to solve challenges and seize opportunities.
Argonne’s Science and Technology Partnerships and Outreach directorate supports these collaborations, ensuring that organizations are able to engage with Argonne efficiently and derive outcomes of mutual benefit. The directorate is also the entry point to the laboratory for organizations that want to develop or license technologies, processes or software that, in the case of industry, give them a competitive advantage in the global marketplace, and in the case of federal agencies or state and local governments, help them achieve their mission.
Over the decades, Argonne has worked to create a portfolio of discoveries that have everyday use. One of Argonne’s key objectives is to work with private-industry to make these discoveries available. Learn more about how Argonne working with companies of all sizes to bring new technologies to the marketplace.
As a catalyst for Illinois, the Midwest, and the United States, Argonne helps drive U.S. prosperity in global markets, while creating and protecting domestic jobs. In FY20, Argonne awarded $144 million in contracts to Illinois businesses and organizations, and partnered with 84 Illinois companies.
Collaboration with private industry is helping Fermilab solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time.
Fermilab, America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory, seeks to use commercial, off-the-shelf technology whenever possible. However, that technology is seldom able to meet the demands of high energy physics use cases without further development.
The close collaboration that occurs between Fermilab and its suppliers to adapt and improve existing technologies frequently results in significant improvements to the suppliers’ technology, which in turn, benefits the supplier’s commercial customers. Learn more about becoming a partner here.
For more information about DuPage’s National Laboratories, contact Choose DuPage.