On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, the DuPage County Board celebrated a $50,000 donation from a Glen Ellyn couple which will contribute to a solar project on the County campus. Ann Boisclair and Jeff Jens presented a check to County Board Chair Deborah Conroy and Environmental Committee Chair Sheila Rutledge at this week’s County Board meeting.
“We are fortunate to have two very generous environmentalists in DuPage County who are putting their energy and resources toward preserving and improving the health of our planet,” said Chair Conroy.
The County installed a 164-kilowatt solar panel system on the roof of the 421 Administration Building. This system will lead to a reduction of more than 100 metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is enough to power nearly 30 homes annually.
“We hope this project will inspire others to pursue renewable, clean energy projects in the future,” said Environmental Committee Chair Sheila Rutledge. “We are grateful to Ann and Jeff for helping make this project a reality.”
Boisclair and Jens have supported 18 solar projects across the country, including a project at the Willowbrook Wildlife Center.
“We congratulate DuPage County on this impressive achievement that will provide many years of fossil-free energy,” said Boisclair and Jens. “The Country is providing much-needed leadership in the battle to contain global warming. This project benefits all the people of DuPage County. We would love to see more projects like this everywhere.”