Lisle, Ill. – On Tuesday, May 7 Choose DuPage along with Ice Miller LLP and Mesirow Financial hosted the DuPage County Regional Business Outlook at Drury Lane in Oak Brook, Ill. Local business owners, government leaders and other members of DuPage County’s business community gathered to listen to insights about current regional, national and global economic conditions.
Dan Cronin, chairman of the DuPage County Board, opened the event by honoring the newly elected municipal leaders. Following Cronin, Diane Swonk, chief economist and senior managing director at Mesirow Financial, discussed the nation’s current financial outlook.
“Fundamental corporate tax reform can get us where we need to go,” said Swonk. Swonk’s colleague and Deputy Chief Economist at Mesirow Financial, Adolfo Laurenti, discussed the European financial crisis and its effect on American business partners throughout the nation. “It’s important the U.S. understands the landscape and looks for opportunities to partner with success,” shared Laurenti.
The event continued with a panel discussion led by President and CEO of Choose DuPage, Greg Bedalov. The panel featured local business leaders Chuck Allen, CEO of Crowe Horwath, Kevin Giglinto, vice president of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, Chris Sears, partner at Ice Miller LLP and Scott Hoekman, CFO of UICO, LLC. The panel discussed various topics including the economy, DuPage County government, taxes, innovation, medical reform and entrepreneurship.
Following the panel discussion, the keynote speaker sponsor, PNC introduced Tom Ricketts, chairman of the Chicago Cubs and chairman/CEO of Incapital LLC. Staying consistent with the event’s theme of moving forward and acting now, Ricketts revealed his restoration and renovation plans for Wrigley Field. Ricketts said he is confident the project will move forward and forecasts that the Chicago Cubs will just get better and better with time.
The event concluded with the Comcast Business Networking Reception where guests met, mingled and spoke with the featured speakers.